You trust the experts to help manage your money and guide decisions in making the most of our assets and resources. Curus does the same for health. From managing the mundane like appointment scheduling to finding a specialist for a plaguing chronic issue, Curus coordination team is there every step of the way for you.
Even when you are traveling, whether its for business, pleasure or seasonal, Curus will help locate healthcare and ensure your providers have the information they need.
Concierge level healthcare coordination:
find the best medical resources available
resolve out-of-network fees before and after delivery of services
assist with your medical bills and Explanation of Benefits
have your back and be by your side to advocate for you
negotiate the best rates and prices for your pharmaceuticals and medical costs
be there to help with your most immediate needs from setting up your appointments to coordinating your overall medical care, whether that involves assessing your risk factors or managing an acute condition/disease
help if you get sick while out of town or while you are on vacation
obtain second opinions whenever advisable
provide you with a trusted guide where, when and how you
require medical attention