Sep 5, 2019
This summer, a police department in Tennessee made news after a hyperbolic Facebook post about "Meth Gators" went viral. The joke was intended to create awareness to a growing problem of drugs and medications ending up the in the local water source that affect wildlife and may not be able to be completely filtered out of city water systems. While the fabled Meth Gator is just a rural myth, disposing of unused drugs the appropriate way is a real concern. Improper disposal can cause harm to others. Here are some guidelines to follow if you have unused drugs you need to throw away......
Read MoreFiled Under: medications, opioid, too many pills
Aug 29, 2019
Pharmacy costs keep going up. If you are one of the millions of people taking prescription medication regularly, you know this well. In fact, a study by The National Health Expenditure Accounts Team found that in 2016 a staggering amount near $329 billion was spent on prescription drugs in the U.S. alone. That number is growing year after year. There are many reasons why this amount is so high, but one simple reason seems to glare at us above the others - overmedication. The Epidemic of Overmedication It is a known fact that the elderly are especially at risk of overmedication . Many...
Read MoreFiled Under: elder care, health coach, Health Management, healthcare coach, healthcare quality, Insider, medications, overmedication, polypharmacy, too many pills
Aug 28, 2019
Read MoreFiled Under: cancer drugs cost, cancer treatments, high-cost drugs, insurance coverage, medications, overmedication, polypharmacy, Specialty Drugs, understanding insurance
Aug 1, 2019
Hemophilia is a rare blood clotting disorder that affects approximately 20,000 people in the United States and an estimated total of 400,000 people worldwide. The symptoms can range from mild to severe; but keeping it under control often dictates a need for prophylactic or preventative treatment to ensure that bleeding does not become an issue. Bleeding issues often lead to additional medical care, including hospital stays, which means additional costs for employers and the insured. Due to its rarity, the treatments are often extremely expensive. Hemophilia not only an impact upon a person's quality of life, but can be quite the financial...
Read MoreFiled Under: changes in healthcare, Corporate Benefits, hemophilia, high-cost drugs, medications, negotiate medical bills, Specialty Drugs
Jul 25, 2019
Hemophilia is a rare clotting disorder that causes blood to not clot properly. It causes more than normal bleeding when someone is injured and can be life threatening. This very rare and usually inherited disorder affects approximately 20,000 people in the United States. The severity of the disease can vary dramatically between affected individuals and the severity, from mild to severe would dictate the level of medical care one needs. It can not only be financially costly, something we will discuss in part 2, but also physically costly; which is what is discussed in part one of this article series. The basics...
Read MoreFiled Under: changes in healthcare, Corporate Benefits, high-cost drugs, medications, negotiate medical bills, Specialty Drugs