Feb 20, 2019
Like an athletic coach who directs players in practice and rallies them from the sidelines, a health coach can be an indispensable aide for someone who wants to proactively improve or maintain his/her health. Whether living with disease, recovering from a surgery, trying to lose weight, or building stamina for more tennis, a health coach can help someone ensure they are in the best position to reach their goals. A good health coach will get to know the real you. Your health coach should be going above and beyond to know you.They will need a detailed family medical history, personal...
Read MoreFiled Under: changes in healthcare, family medical history, healthcare coach, healthcare quality, patient satisfaction
Dec 26, 2018
As 2018 comes to a close, we think about "taking stock" of the year that is ending. The real opportunity is to look forward to the upcoming year and its potential for us. On the internet I came upon an article from Harvard Medical School, which opened with the these three powerful phrases - Positive Mind, Positive Vibes, and Positive Life. Dr. Laura Kubzansky, a professor of social & behavioral sciences at Harvard, and her colleagues have analyzed data on emotional vitality and health outcomes from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study (NHANES). According to the article, "In 2007, her team reported...
Read MoreFiled Under: Health Management, healthcare quality, Insider, mental status affects health, positive attitudes, positive thinking
Nov 29, 2018
There have been two compelling articles in the “New York Times” over the past few weeks focused on healthcare. The first article dated Tuesday, October 30, 2018, is entitled “A Sense of Alarm as Rural Hospitals Keep Closing”1 and the second article dated November 14, 2018, entitled “When Hospitals Merge to Save Money, Patients Often Pay More”2. These two articles are really bookends of the same set of issues emerging in our healthcare delivery system. "Since 2010, nearly 90 rural hospitals have shut their doors. By one estimate, hundreds of other rural hospitals are at risk of doing so." 1 In many communities...
Read MoreFiled Under: changes in healthcare, doctor shortages, Health Management, healthcare quality, Insider, medical access, pros and cons of concierge medicine, Traveling
Aug 9, 2018
n the recent past, the government was evaluating the concept of Medical Homes with Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) serving as the active navigator of their patient’s health care. This was an innovative theory; but in practice, it was highly unlikely to have a substantial impact on the delivery of care. At the same time as the government was proposing this solution to the conundrum of care availability, the reimbursements doctors were receiving for various services, procedures and tests were reduced. This reduction meant PCPs would have to see more patients to maintain a level of income commensurate with the sacrifices...
Read MoreFiled Under: doctor shortages, healthcare quality, patient satisfaction