unnecessary testing

Conspicuous Caring

Mar 26, 2019

In an interesting article on Medscape.com, “Have We Missed the Hidden Cause of Medical Overuse,” the author raises a provocative issue about medical overuse. He cites the story of when a mother kisses the scrape of a toddler, "No healing takes place, yet both parties appreciate the ritual." Continuing, he states, "The ritual shows how we might be programmed to both seek and offer healthcare even when it isn't medically useful.” He believes this is "Conspicuous Caring". The provocative conclusion is that healthcare isn't just about health; it's also a grand signaling exercise called conspicuous caring. If healthcare was only a transaction about getting well,...

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Filed Under: changes in healthcare, Health Management, healthcare quality, Insider, mental status affects health, patient satisfaction, unnecessary testing

Lower Medical Bills with a Health Coach (Part 2)

Mar 7, 2019

This is the 2nd of 2 installments. Subscribe here to receive make sure you don't miss any future articles. In Part 1 of this article, we shared with you how your health coach can help you keep expenses low with proactive care plans, clarifying what is medically necessary, and helping you navigate the complex issues of finding quality care for the lowest price. Here are three additional ways a health coach can protect your bank balance while improving your healthLost in Translation: Health Coaches Makes Sense of All the Medical JargonA health coach should be able to help review your...

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Filed Under: healthcare coach, healthcare quality, insurance coverage, lower medical bills, medical access, negotiate medical bills, patient satisfaction, preventive healthcare, understanding insurance, unnecessary testing

Lower Medical Bills with a Health Coach (Part 1)

Feb 28, 2019

This is the 1st of 2 installments. Subscribe here to receive Part 2 when it is published next week. A health coach is a wonderful asset to have when attempting to lower medical expenses for both yourself and your employees. The outdated trend of seeking a health coach for advice on exercise and diet alone fail to access all the resources a quality health coach should bring to the table. A health coach can serve as more than just a fitness and nutrition guru. Though those are important, a health coach can serve as an advocate for you in ways...

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Filed Under: healthcare coach, healthcare quality, insurance coverage, lower medical bills, medical access, negotiate medical bills, patient satisfaction, preventive healthcare, understanding insurance, unnecessary testing