Mar 26, 2019
In an interesting article on, “Have We Missed the Hidden Cause of Medical Overuse,” the author raises a provocative issue about medical overuse. He cites the story of when a mother kisses the scrape of a toddler, "No healing takes place, yet both parties appreciate the ritual." Continuing, he states, "The ritual shows how we might be programmed to both seek and offer healthcare even when it isn't medically useful.” He believes this is "Conspicuous Caring". The provocative conclusion is that healthcare isn't just about health; it's also a grand signaling exercise called conspicuous caring. If healthcare was only a transaction about getting well,...
Read MoreFiled Under: changes in healthcare, Health Management, healthcare quality, Insider, mental status affects health, patient satisfaction, unnecessary testing
Mar 14, 2019
Mental health is just as, if not more, important as your physical health. As evidenced by the number of high profile people dealing with mental illness, it is not a matter to just sweep under the rug. Whether you or an employee is depressed, anxious, or experience a mixture of symptoms, a health coach can provide Motivational Interviewing based health coaching to improve “both physical and mental health status in occupational setting.” A health coach can work closely with you and your mental healthcare providers to ensure that you get the proper care and tools to deal with symptoms of mental distress or...
Read MoreFiled Under: corporate wellness, health coach, Mental Health, mental status affects health
Feb 26, 2019
We are in the concluding days of the month of February, designated as Heart Health Month.Our knowledgeable cardiologists have told us to be more active; to maintain a healthy weight; to eat a healthy diet; to manage our high blood pressure; to manage our high cholesterol. We've also been told to manage our stress. In an article in Everyday Health author Mikel Theobold tells us, "Stress causes strain on the heart which creates a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.” Jeffrey Fisher, M.D., a cardiologist and clinical professor of medicine at the Weill Cornell Medical College and attending physician at New York –...
Read MoreFiled Under: Health Management, mental status affects health, work-life balance
Dec 26, 2018
As 2018 comes to a close, we think about "taking stock" of the year that is ending. The real opportunity is to look forward to the upcoming year and its potential for us. On the internet I came upon an article from Harvard Medical School, which opened with the these three powerful phrases - Positive Mind, Positive Vibes, and Positive Life. Dr. Laura Kubzansky, a professor of social & behavioral sciences at Harvard, and her colleagues have analyzed data on emotional vitality and health outcomes from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Study (NHANES). According to the article, "In 2007, her team reported...
Read MoreFiled Under: Health Management, healthcare quality, Insider, mental status affects health, positive attitudes, positive thinking